
The DataService is where all the data related to sensors and the timeseries data of each sensor resides. All the access control related functionality is defined at centralservice is also enforced within the DataService. A new DataService can be defined in the CentralService at

Create a new DataService

This request creates a new DataService with description,host and port where the datservice will function.

POST /api/dataservice
JSON Parameters:
  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

  • description (string) – Description for the DataService

  • host (string) – HostName of the device where the DataService is to be installed

  • port (string) – Port number of the device where the DataService is to be installed

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if data is posted successfully otherwise ‘False’

  • error (string) – An additional value that will be present only if the request fails specifying the cause for failure

Status Codes:

Example request:

POST /api/dataservice HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "name": "ds3"

Example response (for success):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Missing parameters"

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Missing data"

Get DataService Details

This request retrieves name, description, hostname and port to used in the dataservice specified in the request.

GET /api/dataservice/<name>
  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if data is retrieved successfully otherwise ‘False’

  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

  • description (string) – Description for the DataService

  • host (string) – HostName of the device where the DataService is installed

  • port (string) – Port number of the device where the DataService is installed

Status Codes:

Example request:

GET /api/dataservice/ds3 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

{   "success": "True",
      "name": "ds3"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " DataService does not exist"

Delete DataService

This request deletes the requested DataService from Building Depot.

DELETE /api/dataservice/<name>
  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if the DataService is successfully deleted otherwise ‘False’

Status Codes:

Example request:

DELETE /api/dataservice/ds3 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": "DataService doesn't exist"

  "success": "False",
  "error": "Cannot delete DataService, contains buildings."

Assign Buildings to DataService

This request assigns a specific building to DataService. Once the building is assigned to a specific DataService, the DataService handles sensor datastreams from the building.

POST /api/dataservice/<name>/building
  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

JSON Parameters:
  • data (dict) – Contains the information of the buildings to be added to DataService.
    • buildings (list) – List of buildings to be added to DataService

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if the building is successfully added to the DataService otherwise ‘False’

Status Codes:

Example request:

POST /api/dataservice/ds1/buildings HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "buildings": ["NSH"]

Example response (for success):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Missing parameters"

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Missing data"

  "success": "False",
  "error": "DataService doesn't exist"

  "success": "False",
  "error": "One of the buildings doesn't exist"

Get Building Details from DataService

This request retrieves the names of buildings that the specified DataService hosts.

GET /api/dataservice/<name>/buildings
  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if data is retrieved successfully otherwise ‘False’

  • buildings (list) – Contains the list of buildings that the the specified DataService hosts

Status Codes:

Example request:

GET /api/dataservice/ds1/buildings HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True",
  "buildings": ["NSH", "GHC"]

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " DataService doesn't exist"

Remove Buildings from DataService

This request removes specified buildings from a DataService.

DELETE /api/dataservice/<name>/buildings
  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

JSON Parameters:
  • data (dict) – Contains the information of the buildings to be deleted from DataService.
    • buildings (list) – List of buildings to be deleted from DataService

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if the buildings are successfully deleted otherwise ‘False’

Status Codes:

Example request:

DELETE /api/dataservice/ds1/buildings HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "buildings": ["NSH", "GHC"]

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": "Missing parameters"

  "success": "False",
  "error": "Missing data"

  "success": "False",
  "error": "DataService doesn't exist"

Grant Admin Privileges on DataService

This request grants CRUD (create/read/update/delete) privileges on the DataService to the specified users.

POST /api/dataservice/<name>/admins
  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

JSON Parameters:
  • data (dict) – Contains the information of the users to whom the CRUD privileges should be given.
    • admins (list) – List of the emails(string) of the users.

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if the admin privileges are successfully added to the DataService otherwise ‘False’

Status Codes:

Example request:

POST /api/dataservice/ds1/admins HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "admins": ["", ""]

Example response (for success):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Missing parameters"

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Missing data"

  "success": "False",
  "error": "DataService doesn't exist"

  "success": "False",
  "error": "One of the users doesn\'t exist"

Get List of Admins from DataService

This request retrieves the list of users who have the admin privileges on the specified DataService.

GET /api/dataservice/<name>/admins
  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if the list is retrieved successfully otherwise ‘False’

  • admins (list) – Contains the list of emails of the users who have admin privilege on the specified DataService

Status Codes:

Example request:

GET /api/dataservice/ds1/buildings HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True",
  "admins": ["", ""]

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " DataService doesn't exist"

Revoke Admin Privileges on DataService

This request revokes admin privileges on DataService from the specified users.

DELETE /api/dataservice/<name>/admins
  • name (string) – Name of the DataService

JSON Parameters:
  • data (dict) – Contains the information of the buildings to ba deleted from DataService.
    • admins (list) – List of the emails of users whose privileges on DataService should be revoked.

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if the permissions are successfully revoked otherwise ‘False’

Status Codes:

Example request:

DELETE /api/dataservice/ds1/admins HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

    "admins": ["", ""]

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": "Missing parameters"

  "success": "False",
  "error": "Missing data"

  "success": "False",
  "error": "DataService doesn't exist"