
The Sensor collection manages Sensors for Locations associated with the CentralService.Sensors can be defined in the CentralService at Sensor access is restricted to Central Service Users with permissions for the Sensor and to the Admin who owns the Sensor.

Create a Sensor

Creates a new Sensor point in BuildingDepot and returns the UUID.

POST /api/sensor
JSON Parameters:
  • name (string) – Name of the sensor

  • identifier (string) – An identifier that will be associated with the sensor

  • building (string) – Building in which the sensor is located

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if data is posted successfully otherwise ‘False’

  • uuid (string) – Returns the uuid of the sensor on successful creation

Status Codes:

Example request:

POST /api/sensor HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "data": {

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"
  "uuid": "6cf53d24-e3a3-41bd-b2b5-8f109694f628"

Get Sensor details

Retrieves all the details of the sensor based on the uuid specified

GET /api/sensor/<name>
  • name (string) – uuid of the sensor

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if data is retrieved successfully otherwise ‘False’

  • building (string) – Building in which the sensor is located

  • name (string) – UUID name of the sensor

  • tags (list) – List of tags owned by the sensor

  • metadata (list) – List of metadata owned by the sensor

  • source_identifier (dictionary) – Source identifier of the sensor

  • source_name (dictionary) – Source name of the sensor

Status Codes:

Example request:

GET /api/sensor/8aac1048-aa9f-41c9-9c20-6dd81339c7de HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

Example response:

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "success": "True",
    "building": "NSH",
    "name": "8aac1048-aa9f-41c9-9c20-6dd81339c7de",
    "source_identifier": "Sensor_Tag",
    "source_name": "Test_Sensor",
    "views_owned": [
        "fields": "EMI-0",
        "id": "280bc754-a963-4740-89f4-bdae9ede76f6",
        "source_name": "Averages"
        "fields": "EMI-2, EMI-3",
        "id": "6336a9d7-6f65-4572-9e52-78fa3808c92f",
        "source_name": "Min, Max EMI"

Delete a Sensor

Delete the Sensor associated with sensor_uuid.


Restricted to Admins only

Currently can only be done through the GUI

Search Sensors

The Search API is used search sensors based on uuid,source_name,source_identifier, building, Tag and MetaData. Multiple search queries can be sent in a single request.

POST /api/sensor/search
JSON Parameters:
  • data (dictionary) – Contains the list of Search Query key-value pairs
    • ID (list) – UUID of the Sensor

    • Building (list) – Building in which the sensor is located

    • Tags (list) – List of tags owned by the sensor. The are given as key,value pairs.

    • Metadata (list) – List of metadata owned by the sensor.The are given as key,value pairs.

    • Source_Identifier (list) – Source identifier of the sensor

    • Source_Name (list) – Source name of the sensor

Example request:

POST /api/sensor/search HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

      "Tags":["floor:1", "corridor:4200"]

Example response (for success):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "success": "True",
    "building": "NSH",
    "name": "6cf53d24-e3a3-41bd-b2b5-8f109694f628",
    "source_identifier": "Sensor Tag",
    "source_name": "Test Sensor",
    "tags":[{"name": "floor", "value": "1"}, {"name": "corridor", "value": "4200"}]

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Sensor does not exist"

Add Tags to a Sensor

This request adds tags (key-value pairs) to a particular sensor. To get the available tags that can be added to the sensor, please use the get tags of a sensor API to fetch the list of available tags.

POST /api/sensor/<name>/tags
  • id (string) – UUID associated with Sensor (required)

JSON Parameters:
  • data (dictionary) – Contains the information of the tag to be added to the sensor.
    • tags (list) – List of tags
      • name (string) – Name of the Tag Type

      • value (string) – Value for the Tag Type

  • success (array) – Returns ‘True’ if data is posted successfully otherwise ‘False’

Status Codes:

Example request:

POST /api/sensor/be2a09a5-4ef6-4c67-886e-272c37e7e38f/tags HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

              "tags": [
                          "name": "Room",
                          "value": "4120"
                          "name": "floor",
                          "value": "1"

Example response (for success):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Sensor does not exist"

Get Tags of a Sensor

This request retrieves two lists of key-value pairs, one list contains the array of eligible tags that can be attached to this sensor and the other list contains the array of tags that are currently attached to this sensor.

GET /api/sensor/<name>/tags
  • id (string) – UUID associated with Sensor (required)

  • tags (list) – Contains the list of tag key-value pairs that are available for the building in which this sensor is located
    • name (string) – Name of the tag point

    • value (list) – List of eligible values for this certain tag

  • tags_owned (list) – Contains the list of tag key-value pairs that are attached to this sensor
    • name (string) – Name of the tag point

    • value (string) – Value for this tag

Status Codes:

Example request:

GET /api/sensor/26da099a-3fe0-4966-b068-14f51bcedb6e/tags HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

Example response (for success):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "tags": {
           "Corridor": [
           "Floor": [
           "Room": [
  "tags_owned": [
                   "name": "Corridor",
                   "value": "3600"
                   "name": "Floor",
                   "value": "3"
                   "name": "Room",
                   "value": "3606"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Sensor does not exist"

Create a Sensor View

Creates a new Sensor View for a sensor point in BuildingDepot. Each sensor may have multiple fields of data, however, the user may only want to receive or request a subset of data. This API creates a view for the sensor and returns the UUID for the sensor.

POST /api/sensor/<name>/view
  • id (string) – UUID associated with Sensor (required)

JSON Parameters:
  • data (dictionary) – Contains the information of the sensor view.
    • fields (string) – The data fields of the sensor that is being posted to BD.

    • source_name (string) – Name of the sensor view

  • success (dictionary) – Returns ‘True’ if data is posted successfully otherwise ‘False’

Status Codes:

Example request:

POST /api/sensor/8aac1048-aa9f-41c9-9c20-6dd81339c7de/views HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

              "fields": "EMI-1, Temp-2",
              "source_name": "Important Values"

Example response (for success):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"
  "uuid": "6cf53d24-e3a3-41bd-b2b5-8f109694f628"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": "Communication failure with DataService"

Get Sensor View details

Retrieves all the views of the sensor based on the sensor uuid specified

GET /api/sensor/<name>/views
  • name (string) – uuid of the sensor

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if data is retrieved successfully otherwise ‘False’

  • available_fields (list) – List of available fields that the sensor can have.

  • views_owned (list) – List of views for the sensor. * fields (string) – A subset of fields in the sensor * id (string) – UUID name of the views of the sensor * source_name (string) – Source name of the views of the sensor

Status Codes:

Example request:

GET /api/sensor/6cf53d24-e3a3-41bd-b2b5-8f109694f628 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

Example response (for success):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

    "available_fields": [
    "success": "True",
    "views_owned": [
        "fields": "EMI-1, Mic-2, Temp-0",
        "id": "3240e89b-81df-4c1c-a411-fe891ed2aaef",
        "source_name": "All"
        "fields": "EMI-1",
        "id": "ce7330aa-0893-4115-842d-0b6ab92e98de",
        "source_name": "EMI Average"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": " Sensor does not exist"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": "Missing parameters"

Delete a Sensor View

This request deletes a sensor view of a sensor.

DELETE /api/sensor/<uuid>/views/<view_uuid>
  • uuid (string) – UUID of the sensor.

  • view_uuid (string) – UUID of the view sensor.

  • success (string) – Returns ‘True’ if the UserGroup is successfully deleted otherwise ‘False’

Status Codes:

Example request:

DELETE /api/sensor/8aac1048-aa9f-41c9-9c20-6dd81339c7de/views/22d807bf-af67-493a-80b7-2690d26c9244 HTTP/1.1
Accept: application/json; charset=utf-8

Example response (for success):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "True"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": "Permission does not exist"

Example response (for failure):

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json

  "success": "False",
  "error": "Communication failure with DataService"

SensorGroups and UserGroups

BuildingDepot restricts access to sensors to users on three levels. A user can have either of these types of access to a sensor:
  • Read

  • Read/Write

  • Deny Read

  • Read/Write/Permission

As the names suggest a user with read access to a sensor will be able to read all the datapoints of the sensors. A user with Read/Write access will be able to both read and write (if supported by the sensor) to the sensors. With Deny Read a user will not be able to read any datapoints of the sensor.

The basis of deciding these permissions is dependent on the abstraction of SensorGroups and UserGroups within BuildingDepot.

SensorGroups are created on the basis of tags that are specified at the time of creation. All sensors with the specified tags will be a part of the SensorGroup that is created. Usergroups are basically a list of users which are connected to a SensorGroup via a “Permissions” link. This link is what defines the level of access that the users in the UserGroup have to the sensors in the SensorGroup.